
Feb. 1, 2020

Trailer | The Dylan Redwine Files

What happened to Dylan Redwine?
Feb. 3, 2020

S1, Chapter 1: Dylan Goes Missing

A 13-year-old boy goes missing in Colorado during a Thanksgiving visit...
Feb. 9, 2020

S1, Chapter 2: The Pictures

Dylan and his older brother, Cory, found private x-rated...
Feb. 25, 2020

S1, Chapter 3: Dr. Phil Showdown

Mark and Elaine are scheduled to appear on the nationally syndicated talk show...
March 12, 2020

S1, Chapter 4: The Big Lie

The thrilling conclusion of the Dr. Phil show...
April 1, 2020

S1, Chapter 5: Two Percent

A few small pieces of Dylan are found on Middle Mountain...
April 27, 2020

S1, Chapter 6: There Goes the Haterhood

Mark Redwine begins to suffer from paranoid delusions...
May 15, 2020

S1, Chapter 7: A Killer Profile

A bombshell announcement from the Colorado Police Department...
June 17, 2020

S1, Chapter 8: Justice for Dylan

The moment we've been waiting for...
July 14, 2020

S1, Chapter 9: The Finale

Will Mark Redwine plead guilty to the murder of his son?
Aug. 11, 2020

Meet Our Friend: Find Me In The Dark

Hey Darksiders—here's a promo for "Find me in the dark." Robert and Eric are the hosts and they'll take you on a trip through some of the most brutal and wild true crimes. Go subscribe today. Just search "Find me in the dark"...
Aug. 25, 2020

Meet Our Friend: Worse Than Fiction

Darksider—this is our last promo until Season 2 hits your feed. This one comes to you from Les Gross, a dear podcast friend. He hosts a seriously killer show that covers the most horrific crimes in history. Les masterfully ta...
Nov. 2, 2020

S2, Chapter 1: How to Commit an Atrocity

One of the most savage crimes in American history...
Nov. 23, 2020

S2, Chapter 2: The Waco Horror

An all-white jury. A four minute deliberation...
Jan. 15, 2021

S2, Chapter 3: Rest in Power

America has tried for over a century...
March 21, 2021

Trailer | The Spirit Family Massacre

In 2014, on a seemingly normal Thursday afternoon, Don Spirit shot and killed his entire family. His 28-year-old daughter, Sarah Spirit. And his 6 grandchildren. What would motivate a man to commit such a monstrous act? Come ...
March 26, 2021

S3, Chapter 1: Annihilator

In 2014, on a seemingly normal Thursday afternoon...
April 16, 2021

S3, Chapter 2: House of Horrors

After Don Spirit turned his pistol on himself...
May 13, 2021

S3, Chapter 3: A History of Violence

What exactly happened on that fateful day...
July 6, 2021

S3, Chapter 4: Slick Rick

There is no evidence to suggest that anyone, at any time, could have known that Don Spirit was capable of...
Sept. 2, 2021

S3, Chapter 5: No Penance

The most disturbing incident of violence in Don...
Oct. 2, 2021

BONUS | Halloween Special: Diary of a Madman

But here is the strange paper found by the dismayed notary...
Oct. 18, 2021

Meet Our Friend: Defense Diaries

Darksiders—Join host and criminal defense attorney Bob Motta as he enters the twisted mind of serial killer John Wayne Gacy through the use of 15 hours of never before heard pre-trial interviews with Gacy and his attorneys as...
Nov. 15, 2021

Meet Our Friend: True Consequences

Darksiders—here's a true crime podcast you can't afford to miss. Join Eric Carter-Landin as he explores true crime and mystery in the state of New Mexico. This is TRUE CONSEQUENCES. https://www.trueconsequences.com/ An update...