“Tapes from the Darkside”, how do I love thee? It’s impossible to even try to count the ways (sorry Billy Shakes!)
How did I find TFTDS? I have no idea. But, talk about a good find! TZ is a great host, with a general deadpan that fits the subject matter perfectly, but with just the right bit of “o rly?” thrown in at those special times to make you laugh, all by yourself, all alone, in never-ending quarantine. (Well, that just got very personal, very fast.)
On top of it all, there’s this cool kid club (you can join!) of Darksiders on FB, a legit (and affordable) Patreon crew and, at the helm, is probably one of the most down-to-Earth, fun dudes I’ve never met. And, I haven’t even mentioned Dannie!
Do yourself a favor and listen today!